One. Five. Two. Four. Six. That is not a string of numbers that need to be deciphered in a puzzle in a Professor…
An epic adventure fueled by imagination. Enter a gorgeous world in a game about friendship, exploration & riding giraffes. The Adventure Pals is an epic adventure platformer fueled by imagination. Enter a gorgeous & hilarious world in a game about friendship, exploration & riding giraffes.
One. Five. Two. Four. Six. That is not a string of numbers that need to be deciphered in a puzzle in a Professor…
The latest North American entry in Namco Bandai's beloved Tales series of role-playing games has arrived for the…
As promised last month, Paradox Interactive and mobile developer Ludosity have teamed up to deliver a little…
There are games that I like. And then there are games that I like that I become obsessed with. Fire Emblem: Awakening…
Hollywood director and writer Frank Darabont was working on a TV show called LA Noir, which aside from having a…
Sharp geometric shapes, gorgeous alien landscapes and mellow beats define the latest musical adventure from the…
How bad was this year's E3? Not that bad, actually!
In room 13 of the Overlook Motel on the scenic Savage Coast of New England there's a doorway that leads directly to…
Let us begin Kotaku's Day of Video Game Preview (May 22nd edition) with a caveat about the information we may bring…
If Darth Vader and Captain Kirk ever meet, I hope they will not do so while ice-skating. When Optimus Prime…