PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 will support Sony's PlayStation Move motion controller and the Sharpshooter gun…
After an inventor makes a breakthrough, he leaves his incapable assistant alone with his new wonder invention, which leads to wealth, love...and catastrophe!
PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 will support Sony's PlayStation Move motion controller and the Sharpshooter gun…
If the success of Julie Watai's 3D photos are any indication, this could be the start of something big.
We've played the games. We've shown you its most show-offy feature. We've been surprised how much we liked the 3DS.…
Swag | Sometimes the freebies that arrive on my doorstep kinda go together. (Photo: Brian Crecente)
It has been hard to believe the claims that 3D video game graphics do anything other than make video games look…
The spring season of video games usually starts busy, then slows. But last year's spring produced Kotaku's 2010 Game…
Take Mario's platforming, Lemmings' life-saving gameplay, add a hint of urgency and colorfully pixelated 3D…
For a Nintendo gaming machine, the 3DS is a tough sell! Mostly because it's almost impossible to convey the 3D…
Two days ago, nobody had ever heard of Hawken, nor its developers Adhesive Games. What a difference an amazing debut…
You can play DS games on the Nintendo 3DS. No problem there. But did you know they take a lot longer to load on…