Often when you see an anime, you might think the original manga was better. But do you ever feel the reverse is…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Terra Battle 2
Upcomig game for android, PC and IOS.
Often when you see an anime, you might think the original manga was better. But do you ever feel the reverse is…
When you create one of the most treasured franchises in video game history, what do you do next? When you work on…
Imagine if the king of scavengers was 6 and a half feet tall, bipedal, and had a bone to pick with humanity.
Ever since the first game, Mass Effect has always been about shaping the story the way the player wants it. Through…
Has one genre ever made you change your opinion of another? Commenter File2ish explains how Namco's Tales of…
The other day, I mentioned to my friend of 10 years that I was doing research on massively multiplayer online…
A decade before Sora faced off against his first Heartless, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus battled the Unversed across a…
Well, I've played twenty-five hours of Final Fantasy XIII in the past few days, and the one thing I can say with…
New comics in stores this week include all the big regulars. Gears of War written by the head of Epic. Street…
Blizzard pulls no punches this April 1st, with not one but four different pranks featuring pimped mounts, a new…