A DLC add-on. A trippy mobile psychodrama. A triumphant rebirth. A chilling sci-fi future. A giant arcade cabinet…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Tale of Memories
As the descendent of the Hero of Tarwen, your duty to your kingdom is to find and defeat its greatest villain, released after centuries of imprisonment: the Carmine Witch. On your journey, as you befriend fellow knights and civilians alike, your mission grows in complexity as you encounter the enigmatic Masked Mage, the secrets of neighboring kingdoms, and rumors of other looming threats with ties to the Carmine Witch. In the realm of Dryadales, legends, myths, and fables often prove to be true—but not always in the ways you imagined!
A DLC add-on. A trippy mobile psychodrama. A triumphant rebirth. A chilling sci-fi future. A giant arcade cabinet…
Well, if you wanna get technical, it's not really space Minecraft. It's more of a sci-fi sandbox RPG thing. But it's…
This year, E3 had so many games. So many. But watching demos and reading impressions is one thing; we want to play th…
Eleven months after its release, Capcom's action-RPG Dragon's Dogma received an updated re-release in the form of Dar…
The HD collection Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix contains an HD remastered version of the original Kingdom Hearts:…
Welcome to the Best of Kotaku, where I round up all of this week's best content.
Thanks to the surprise popularity of Macross Frontier, the Macross franchise has been riding a wave of popularity…
Last year's sports video game of the year, the Tiger Woods PGA Tour series this year faces what NBA 2K12 did in…
Video games have a language all their own. It's a language that most people understand implicitly—concepts like…
After the flawed Resistance 2, a game that drained the joy from the PlayStation 3's once very promising shooter…