A new face joins the list of bestselling games in Japan this past week as A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode: R for…
A new face joins the list of bestselling games in Japan this past week as A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode: R for…
Nintendo's latest Wii hit shows its impressive legs once again this week, with mini-game collection Wii Party…
Last week's sales champ, Sengoku Basara 3, was soundly defeated by Namco's latest Tales game, which draws upon the…
What does Japan like this week? Feudal Japanese fantasy battles in the form of Sengoku Basara 3 and rhythm games…
After taking a breather from dominating Japan's sales charts, Nintendo's Wii Party continues to party hard at the…
Nintendo today released its financial results for the period April-June 2010, and amidst all the boring stuff are…
Last week's Japanese software champ, the brand-new Wii Party, had its first place festivities cut short this week…
Nintendo's newest mini-game good time, Wii Party, makes it debut in Japan, handily defeating its competitors with a…
The people who make Professor Layton games and the sharp-looking Studio Ghibli game Ni no Kuni have another hit on…
Wha...? An Xbox 360 game at the top of the Japanese sales charts? Sounds a bit kooky, right until we specify that…