Project X Zone is a game that combines many of Capcom, Sega, and Namco-Bandai's most famous franchises into one…
Street Fighter Series is a collection of the first two Street Fighter games - Street Fighter and Street Fighter II. As a bonus two other Capcom games are included on the disk - Mega Man and Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting.
Project X Zone is a game that combines many of Capcom, Sega, and Namco-Bandai's most famous franchises into one…
There sure have been a lot of Resident Evil games, right?
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
It's been a rough year for Capcom with on-disc DLC. Fans angry about unavailable, locked content included on their…
And Kotaku's Tokyo Game Show coverage continues! Here's the day three round up, with all the news, impressions, and…
Project X Zone is the mega-crossover game from Capcom, Namco-Bandai, and Sega starring a staggering list of…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
Wreck-It-Ralph is about video games, and stars its own original character, but these promo images for the upcoming…
Here's a not-so-big secret: most Hollywood adaptations of video games are not very good. Why? The reasons are…