How (Not) To Get Hit By A Self-Driving Car is a goofy yet sobering riff on modern tech
How (Not) To Get Hit By A Self-Driving Car is a goofy yet sobering riff on modern tech
Patch 2.1 adds a fully functional metro and a ton of new changes to bosses and romance
Larian’s Dungeons & Dragons RPG just added an extensive epilogue and new modes
Coral Island is a good farming sim, but the draw is in its 28 datable hotties
Bethesda’s spacefaring RPG seems to be falling short of its galactic expectations
The company's latest cunning plan is a mobile app that requires two different phones
Please just let video games be themselves and not be interactive commercials for other brands
Nintendo delivers a streamlined remake of a beloved SNES classic
Pikachu’s evolution has always gotten the short end of the stick
Over the last two decades, Activision’s popular shooter series has featured some truly unforgettable moments