All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Square Dungeon 2
"Square Dungeon 2" is a dungeon exploration + roguelite text-based indie game. The demon king left a prophecy to the human king before death that the warriors would betray him when the Armageddon came. As a warrior, what will you choose on the Armageddon?
Square Enix, international conglomerate behind everything from Final Fantasy to Tomb Raider would like to help your…
A playable demo of Capcom's upcoming enigmatic online multiplayer game Deep Down was available at this year's Tokyo…
Earthbound! Etrian Odyssey! Shin Megami Tensei! It's time for part two of This Year In JRPGs So Far, with special…
Each time we approach the beginning of a new console generation, it also marks the slow and gradual ending of the…
Threehorns don't play with longnecks, and Moneysavers don't play with full price.
Earlier this week, we took a brief look at Nintendoji, a Nintendo title only available to gold or platinum members…
The HD revamp of Final Fantasy X-2 looks quite nice in high-definition. However, looks aren't everything! It's…
Videogames and movies. It's the best of both worlds.
There's a little dead pixel on the top of my DS Lite. It hangs out on the bottom of the screen, green and dull,…