Kotaku tries a lot of games, both good and bad. This list contains all the good ones we played last month.
Kotaku tries a lot of games, both good and bad. This list contains all the good ones we played last month.
Microsoft has been handing out a $10 gift card with your preorder of Sunset Overdrive for months, but you only…
We've probably all been there at least once before. You're innocently going about your business, shooting around…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
I’m no nostalgist when it comes to gaming. I believe that what we’re playing now, and what we will be tomorrow,…
Soccer is a twenty-two-player competitive ball game (CBG). Soccer has been in development for two thousand years.…
Did you think sports games would be safe from the industry-wide insistence on turning everything into a first person…
2013 was one hell of a year for video games. So much action, so much drama! Such suspense, such anger and…
It's been a long time since the lead deal on Kotaku was a pair of headphones, but we can't overstate our love for the…
Well, if you wanna get technical, it's not really space Minecraft. It's more of a sci-fi sandbox RPG thing. But it's…