In Subnautica, pressing F8 allows players to give the developers feedback and attach a screenshot. Since early…
In Subnautica, pressing F8 allows players to give the developers feedback and attach a screenshot. Since early…
There are some things you never know you need until the moment you realize their existence, a fundamental truth that…
Last week I started sizing up the new GTA Online update, Import/Export. It added a ton of new missions and wacky…
PlayStation VR is now out for the PS4, but after spending hundreds of dollars on the headset, which games should you…
The screaming in our office yesterday was one of our video guys, John, trying a shark attack demo in PlayStation VR.…
The planets in No Man’s Sky are supposed to be, well, planet-sized. Most players will only see a small percentage of…
Children’s console games have come a long way in recent years. Gone are the motion controlled mini-game bundles and…
The fifth installment of the series that started the toys-and-games craze goes on sale tomorrow, which means stores…
I’ve never really liked Metal Gear games, but I am loving Metal Gear Solid V so far. Not for the story, though, or…
Road Redemption, the Kickstarted spiritual successor to damn near legendary motorcycle racer Road Rash, has a mode…