Link(s) To The Past is a new weekly feature in which we look back at least year's big news and analyze how far we…
A "reimagination" of Doom 2 episode 1 (11 maps). + 2 early/reused maps
Link(s) To The Past is a new weekly feature in which we look back at least year's big news and analyze how far we…
"The pattern is always the same," video game designer Pawel Miechowski told me recently. "People struggle for food,…
I don't remember how long I've been here. Has it been minutes, hours, months? I've lost all track of time. Oh gosh,…
Dammit, CinemaSins, you're too late. You could have saved us all from 300: Rise of an Empire, but you neglected…
There's an old saying: if it looks like a Final Fantasy, feels like a Final Fantasy, and sounds like a Final Fantasy,…
I do not enjoy stealth-action games. Kickstarter success story République is a game with deep roots in the Metal…
I've tried. Oh believe me, I've tried. I've tried my hardest to get into the rhythm of Pokémon, to fall into the…
It's impossible to escape the influence of Charles Darwin: even if you've never paid attention in class, his theory…
Some thought it disappointingly shallow where others had an unusual, but ultimately enjoyable experience. Nintendo's…
Sexual fan service is hardly a new aspect of anime. While the most obvious are panty shots and boob bounces, few…