The stench hits me first. Before the gurgle and hiss, the skittering of twisted claws against bare stone, the stale…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Shadows on the Walls
Shadows on the Walls is an immersive VR game of psychological horror, exploration and puzzles that takes place in the Crystal Palace Museum of London. Put yourself in the shoes of a security guard in charge of watching the new and mysterious exhibit of the museum known as the “Cursed Loot”.
The stench hits me first. Before the gurgle and hiss, the skittering of twisted claws against bare stone, the stale…
Dead Space 2 is one of the year's most anticipated games, and we've got an inside look at the action-horror…
THE FORERUNNER STORY-the history of my people-has been told many times, with greater and greater idealization,…
How long would you wait until a video game showed off its best idea? How much good would you enjoy in order to reach…
Author Greg Bear isn't just a one-time Kotaku guest columnist and a prize-winning science fiction author. He's also…
When indie developer Jake Kazdal told me his studio's game, the still in development Skulls of the Shogun, was…
What could be better than a video game featuring the amazing Spider-Man? How about a video game featuring four…
Armed with M-4 automatic rifles, swathed in body armor and combat fatigues, the five man U.S. Special Forces…
People always ask me what I do. I guess I look like the kind of guy who you'd be curious what I do. I'm pretty sure…
Seeing the tools developers use to create games on the PlayStation Move could be the key to understanding the…