A misguided attempt to rewrite history for the better demeans those involved
A misguided attempt to rewrite history for the better demeans those involved
I love Rockstar's classics, but these missions will try your patience
The latest entry in the Dark Pictures Anthology loses its way among messy Iraq War themes
And no, they’re not using sequence breaks to defeat that one boss
The best tips and tricks to make Ubisoft's latest massive map game merely whelming
Writer Tee Franklin challenges longstanding issues in the comics industry with Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour
You know what, now I wanna kill chaos too, Team Ninja
The game's most notorious issues are fixed, but it still has some fundamental flaws
Deathloop, unlike previous Arkane games, abandons moralizing and actually encourages you to use all of its tools
The best skills, Artes, gear, and more for Bandai Namco’s latest big RPG