Battlefield Hardine is a shooter that rewards not shooting. In the single player at least. If you wondered how it…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Running Rogue
Running Rogue is a fast-paced first-person roguelike action. Parkour, cool magic gloves and tons of undead for you to smash their skulls with a powerful blow!
Battlefield Hardine is a shooter that rewards not shooting. In the single player at least. If you wondered how it…
“Y’know, back when I was what I was... this girl, one time after she blew me, she flew. Hovered, really. It happens…
The biggest plot twist in Assassin’s Creed history is this: Assassin’s Creed Rogue, the least-hyped console game in…
All is not right in the world of crowdfunding. For every massive critical success like Shovel Knight or Divinity:…
Douglas Adams dreamt up the Starship Titanic in 1982 as a half-page gag in Life, the Universe and Everything, the…
I may not have liked Assassin's Creed Unity very much, but I was still excited about its free expansion Dead Kings,…
In a perfect world, we'd spend all of our time actually playing video games. But if 2014 has taught us anything,…
Assassin's Creed Unity is a game as big as it is broken, as divisive as it is lavish. So our three biggest…
If you're skilled enough, you don't need a party to play through the new Dragon Age—even on the hardest difficulty…
Last year’s Assassin’s Creed included references to Watch Dogs. This year’s Assassin’s Creed Rogue for PS3 and Xbox…