All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations is a survival horror game that restores elements of the series' nature, as opposed to the survival action of Resident Evil 5. The game features a single-player mode where the player must complete a series of episodes that involve solving puzzles and defeating enemies, and a multiplayer mode where players may fight their way through altered single-player scenarios.
Great audio frequently takes a back seat to eye-meltingly gorgeous TV's and monitors, but not today. We've got…
"What, movies, what's going on?! This is supposed to be- oh sweet, Game of Thrones." Don't worry, we've got lots of…
Just as quickly as Batman: Arkham Origins was announced, it's been discounted. By "discounted," I mean $10 in Amazon…
Your cheetah speed has returned, so use it to go annex a PC and Mac copy of SimCity for $32- the lowest price so…
In honor of PAX East, PopCap is giving away the popular and painfully addictive Peggle Deluxe for free. Peggle runs…
Hi, Moneysaver readers. Welcome to the slightly-different but still wallet-friendly version of the Moneysaver. Going…
Japanese people have different tastes from their Western counterparts (Heck, many of Kotaku East's Culture Smash…
It's "Naruto". Not "Nartuo". N-A-R-U-T-O. Naruto.
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
Two years ago, Nintendo was in trouble. The House of Mario had just released a brand new handheld system with…