Reader Rabbit Preschool

Reader Rabbit Preschool

December 30, 1997
Release Date
December 30, 1997 (27 years and 1 month ago)
Reader Rabbit Preschool

Discover Games


Reader Rabbit and Mat the Mouse take charge in this spunky preschool prep program in which the duo must scare up keys to unlock The Wonder Pony and ride the magic carousel. You'll earn keys by playing four different games that teach basic math, shapes, colors, and listening skills. Play hide and seek learn counting forward and backward, visit the diner to whip up some banana-fish-corn casserole and become acquainted with the alphabet, or join the Pattern Parade to learn logic. There are four different skill levels, so as you get smarter, the games get harder.

PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac
Release Date
December 30, 1997 (27 years and 1 month ago)
Reader Rabbit Preschool
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