Using a similar game style to the Game Boy classic, Tetris Attack, a line of blocks sits above the play field which you can change the order of and drop two at a time onto the blocks below. Once a Detoblock (a block that is different in appearance to the usual blocks) appears, drop it onto the corresponding colour to clear those blocks from the field. Play modes include Clear (clean the playfield of all blocks), Puzzle (try and clear all blocks within a set number of drops), Marathon (the usual play as far as you can mode) and Rescue Mode, where you must clear the blocks from the top of a cage, in which the many monsters from the arcade hit, Rampage World Tour, are trapped in.
Watch Dogs 2 is just a game, sitting on a screen, asking you to love it. Sometimes begging.
It's time to put a smile on your face and a dangerously high level of cholesterol in your arteries! It's time to…
I still remember when I saw The Blob. Not the original film, the 1988 remake. I was probably around ten years old,…