It happens once a year. It's the perfect episode of TV for our times: a basic-cable version of the selfie, the…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Raising Dead
It happens once a year. It's the perfect episode of TV for our times: a basic-cable version of the selfie, the…
The Resident Evil series has a history of do-overs. There are, at a conservative estimate, at least four different…
Recently, after I completed a mission in a popular big-budget video game, one of the "good guys" I was working for…
All is not right in the world of crowdfunding. For every massive critical success like Shovel Knight or Divinity:…
Maybe you're in it for the cute monsters. Maybe you're in it to be the very best, like no one ever was. Or maybe you…
I want to write a letter to all the animals I've met in Far Cry 4.
Gen Urobuchi has written some of the most psychologically dark anime in recent memory. He is a master at…
I used to be really into the perfect "five-hour" game.