I've spent the last week playing Call of Duty: Black Ops II's multiplayer; arguably the real reason many will…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Rage Room
Rage Room is an experience designed for VR. Locked in a room with no windows, no doors and a bunch of dummies that just gained sentience... What could go wrong? Fight against the faceless enemies with whatever weapons you can get your hands on!
I've spent the last week playing Call of Duty: Black Ops II's multiplayer; arguably the real reason many will…
Drawing on some awesome photography work, Dutch artist midhras has taken three of the biggest video game worlds…
I probably can't expect much from a person with a username including the words "Pussy" and "Monster" in it, but…
When I was 16, in an effort to improve my feeble hitting, I sawed off a broomstick, taped both ends with grip, and…
Need For Speed: Most Wanted is a video game shot out of a cannon.
What's the most power combiner team in the Transformers universe? The fierce and relentless Predaking? The cool and…
If you've played a video game, you've probably heard a bark. And not just in Nintendogs—I'm talking about an "enemy…
My boss' ride in a Ferrari promoting Forza Horizon at E3 provided us with material for more than 150 'Shop entries…
I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…