Sony's released a slew of games on the PlayStation Store. This update is a whopper! Loads of content, loads of…
Sony's released a slew of games on the PlayStation Store. This update is a whopper! Loads of content, loads of…
In the five years I have been covering video games professionally there's one thing a video game company had never…
Having already updated the Games on Demand lineup once this week, with Saints Row, Microsoft have announced the…
Bizarre is no stranger to high-action racing, but they're doing something completely different with Blur, the first…
At E3, the head of EA told us that Burnout and Need For Speed won't be merged into one brand. Instead, team Burnout…
Pirated copies of The Sims 3 temporarily rattled EA. Burnout Paradise DLC came too late. And Battleforge is now part…
E3 2009 gave us another opportunity to get our hands on Disney's explosive, course-altering reality show racer,…
I was fairly impressed with Project Natal's ability to strip away the physical controls for Burnout Paradise and…
To: Bash
From: Crecente
Re: Hardwood Floors Vs. Carpeting FIGHT!
Following last week's early reveal via GameTrailers, Disney Interactive Studios makes battle racer Split/Second…