An aspiring filmmaker who made a documentary about heartbreak. An artist obsessed with making our lives malleable. A…
An aspiring filmmaker who made a documentary about heartbreak. An artist obsessed with making our lives malleable. A…
Monday's grand final match in the $10 million Dota 2 tournament, The International 4, was so lop-sided—so…
Poker Night at the Inventory and Poker Night 2 were already a fun diversion at $5, but at $1, why not? [Poker Night…
Far Cry 4's box art depicts a man wearing a lavish pink suit using what might be a religious statue as a throne. He…
The conventional wisdom is that Nintendo has screwed up. They've lost the plot. Dropped the ball. Somehow sunk their…
Game of Thrones has been dominating the headlines recently, and not necessarily for all the right reasons. The…
There are few experiences I cherish more as a games reporter than walking into a room full of new, unfinished video…
For 30 minutes last week, a man by the name of Dax Ginn, told a room full of reporters how awesome this fall's Batman…
A couple of days ago, I felt like I was standing in a shark tank. Some time before that, Sony's head of PlayStation…
The Xbox One launches today with 22 games (and some workout titles) you can play right off the bat. So we're here…