Soma, the next game from the folks behind Amnesia will be out in 2015 for PC and PlayStation 4, and it's a doozy—a…
Soma, the next game from the folks behind Amnesia will be out in 2015 for PC and PlayStation 4, and it's a doozy—a…
It began with an idea. David Cage sits at his desk, but he can’t write. He looks for an image. He can’t remember the…
With two unsuccessful Kickstarters under their belt, the folks behind Shadow of the Eternals are calling it quits…
Nothing beats the passion of a true fan writing about something they love. That's what you're about to see here: one…
In an early mission of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, a deer clattered across the pavement of a wrecked college…
Plants Vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time has arrived, and despite the glowing reviews and praise for its relaxed…
PLUS, MORE GAMING SECRETS: Sony's World War II air combat game? — Monolith and WB working on a Lord of the Rings…
PLUS MORE GAMING SECRETS: Ubisoft's Next Big Thing - PS3 Horror Game MIA - Modern Warfare Lives?
The cash machine showed my balance at 245,000. It was the most money I’d ever collected. I’d already paid off a good…