Don't be fooled, I say. Ubisoft, amongst others, have been getting a lot of good press lately, including from this…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Pirates of the Sea
Lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, after a shipwreck you'll have to find a way to get off the island. It sounds easy but it's not... you'll have to survive!
Don't be fooled, I say. Ubisoft, amongst others, have been getting a lot of good press lately, including from this…
The next big thing in action figures is "interaction figures." That's the pitch we heard today during a showcase…
After two years of plundering the pockets of players, Sony Online Entertainment makes subscription fees walk the…
Earlier models of the Nintendo DS are awash in a sea of pirated games. The upcoming 3DS? It might be a tougher nut…
The release this week of Monkey Island 2: Special Edition has many people revisiting the lighter side of piracy in…
My current least favorite part of the modern video game is when it tells me to stop having fun for a few minutes so…
Muffins are the unsung hero of the games industry. They are the glue that binds publishers, PR, and the media…
Once World of Warcraft was king, it seemed like a contender to its throne was announced monthly. Here's a quick look…
Summer means sun. Weeks off school, days off work, Coronas under a palm tree as a sea breeze washes over you. But it…
I briefly sat down with Alex Peters, Propaganda's game director for Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned,…