Thousands and thousands of videos, uploaded nearly every day. Each one is the same, structure-wise: 10 slides of…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Out of Shapes
A derpy, dialogue-heavy RPG with multiple endings and choices with consequences, set in a factory run by robots.
Thousands and thousands of videos, uploaded nearly every day. Each one is the same, structure-wise: 10 slides of…
The temperature is starting to warm up. It will be summer before you know it. And in Japan, summer means kakigori…
I think most people are worrying way too much about most clones. The only clones that should be considered a big…
Ok, Game Boy, you're 25 years old. Let's turn you into awesome things.
Video games have their rockstars. But they're not the same kind of rockstars as the ones who strut around in dresses…
Islamic influenced art and imagery has cropped up in games from Journey to Prince of Persia, but now a couple of…
It's been six months since bouncing baby PS4s and Xbox Ones started landing on doorsteps, and things are still...…
Heart&Slash is about a robot finding its place in a harsh world. With swords. And guns. And fists. And…
Get a $5 gift card by pre-ordering any version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes today. It's not the deepest of…