All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Out Of Shapes
Drop matching shapes on each other to create larger shapes. The more shapes you combine in one drop the higher your combo score. The game ends when you run out of space.
If you've played a Zero Escape game like 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors or its sequel, Virtue's Last…
Flipping through the Hyrule Historia book (which you can finally get in English) makes you realize that Nintendo's L…
Patterns, the latest game from Second Life creators, Linden Lab, is a sandbox-style game that focuses on building…
"Oh, I don't really like battles. I just play JRPGs for the story."
For the seventh straight year, I'm publishing a list of all the games I started playing in the past year and all the…
I played more games in 2012 than any other year of my life. It was a weird—but thoroughly wonderful—year, and one…
Many people who went to film school will tell you that film school made them hate watching films. In a similar…
Sure, 2012 was a year rife with disappointments. But it was also filled with surprises of the best sort. Since we…
2012 was a hell of a year for video games. We got a ton of fantastic games to play, surprises of all shapes, sizes,…