Every year, BarSK in Melbourne holds a special event. It’s a game jam that runs for over half a day, from the…
Only Shadow Left Behind is a shoot 'em up with a top view in which you have to clean out the city from the clumps of shadow with a variety of weapons.
Every year, BarSK in Melbourne holds a special event. It’s a game jam that runs for over half a day, from the…
Adal, the setting for Absolver, is large and untamed, but it fits. Overgrown ruins dot the landscape. There are…
I went into Hellblade expecting another fast, fun action romp from the folks at Ninja Theory, who previously made Ens…
The latest in the Boss Fight Books series, available tomorrow, is Kingdom Hearts II by veteran games writer Alexa…
Imagine your old high school. Picture the doors you’d pass through at the start of each day. See if you can recall…
I’ve been sneaking and shooting my way through Resident Evil 7 for the last day and loving it. It’s a big breath of…
It was E3 2000 when I nearly lost my shit. The sequel to one of the best games I’d played on the PS1, Metal Gear…
Lately, I’ve become enamored with cultural experiences associated with Summer—namely, the spookiness of ghost…