It’s Friday, buddy! Relax, and enjoy a slice of insightful gaming writing from the week that was.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from On a Journey RPG
A Golden-Age of 2D JRPG's returns with Turn-Based Combat & Retro-Inspired Graphics! Adventure across the world, meet new friends and unlock powerful Summon Monsters as you battle against a truly formidable enemy in this Story-Rich JRPG
It’s Friday, buddy! Relax, and enjoy a slice of insightful gaming writing from the week that was.
Little Devil Inside came out of nowhere, and it looks gosh darn incredible, fusing elements of Zelda: The Wind Waker,…
A few of us have been playing Pillars of Eternity, the lovely new crowdfunded PC role-playing game that sets out to…
Imagine if Don Quixote was a JRPG and the title character really was fighting giants while everyone else saw…
In late December 2014, a special anime covering the first hour or so of the then upcoming PlayStation 3 RPG Tales…
All is not right in the world of crowdfunding. For every massive critical success like Shovel Knight or Divinity:…
Hello there, fellow zombie hunters. Dying Light is upon us. Is the intense difficulty curve getting to you too?…
Kotaku UK's three main contributors share five favourite games each from 2014.
Newcomers to Far Cry 4: greetings! I hope you're enjoying your time in Kyrat so far. It's a pretty dangerous place…
"Final..." You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.