Samsung's 840 Pro SSDs have long set the high water mark for consumer SSD performance, and now it's getting a…
Samsung's 840 Pro SSDs have long set the high water mark for consumer SSD performance, and now it's getting a…
Mr. Miyamoto, you recently asked me to ask Kotaku's readers to say which games they'd like you to make for the Wii…
Nintendo's top game designer has cooked up an unusual way to play Star Fox on the Wii U, and he's hoping you'll all…
Discussions around Mario Kart 8 are getting heated as the moment, as players have discovered a new technique some…
This past Sunday, I decided to soak in the sights, sounds, and smells of the Big Apple by taking the train from my…
Earlier this month, I got a chance to fly up to Washington and try Bungie's upcoming sci-fi shooter, Destiny.…
A few weeks back, I mentioned in an article that I had started Cowboy Bebop over a decade ago and dropped it because…
I wish I could spend this entire review talking about how South Park: The Stick of Truth is one of the funniest…
Is the Lego Movie Videogame for you? It probably is if you can bring yourself to enjoy the following…
Like a Phoenix from the ashes, Final Fantasy XIV simply refused to die. The re-released MMO is getting great reviews,…