"This needs to be a subtle art style to go with a subtle game," Chris Hecker told me during our latest conversation…
Freeware satirical "SJW" RPG
"This needs to be a subtle art style to go with a subtle game," Chris Hecker told me during our latest conversation…
What's wrong with dark-haired white guys? Commenter Daemon_Gildas thinks they represent an unfair percentage of our…
You've all been there. You're sitting there against a black backdrop, playing Call of Honor or Medal of Duty or…
You could pick Suda51's work—like Killer7 or the more recent No More Heroes and Shadows of the Damned—out of a…
This last weekend, Blood-C: The Last Dark was released in select theaters across Japan. This movie is the conclusion…
It was a touching scene. A young American male sat outside of a McDonald's in Nanjing, sharing a meal with a…
Last Saturday, I purposefully hurt myself. I tuned to Spike TV, a network I never watch, to check out the Spike…
Drawing on familiar media representations and cultural histories for the sake of building a female gangster actually…
It began, as so many things do, with sweaty men in tight underpants. And they wore masks. Let's not forget the…
Much as I automatically deny it, video games have influenced every element of my life in some way.