A few weeks ago, the long-running manga series Naruto ended at chapter 700. And as it has been one of the most…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Ninja Girl
A full-scale action game in which one Kunoichi fights against ninjas and necromancers during the Warring States period.
A few weeks ago, the long-running manga series Naruto ended at chapter 700. And as it has been one of the most…
Steve Bowling, writer of our TAY community's review, was embarrassed to play ninja girl brawler and outrageous…
Two big options for console preorders today. Hit up this list to get a $10 Xbox Gift Card with whatever game you…
Which of these toys is deserving to enter the 2014 class of the National Toy Hall of Fame?
In a grim, dystopian future, a lone delivery girl-slash-ninja who works for her dad's pizza parlor must overcome…
Last week at E3, I got to chat with the fine folks behind the next two Zelda games: the action spinoff Hyrule…
There are 60 new anime on the air this spring season and so it can be understandably more than a little difficult to…
Believe it or not, we have it on good authority that South Park: The Stick of Truth is actually coming out tomorrow,…
A city full of closed doors and dead ends, boxed in and lined with nothing but rough edges: That's Thief.
It's a good day for deals, headlined by great discounts on the 3DS XL in multiple colors. If you're looking for…