Larry Niven is best known as author of Ringworld novels and creator of the Known Space universe — but did you know…
Mythos: The Beginning is a survival horror/adventure role playing game based on the pulp-horror and monster movies of the 1930s. Set in London in 1934, Mythos tasks you with creating your own paranormal investigator from scratch and guiding them through an exploration of the infamous Harborough Asylum.
Larry Niven is best known as author of Ringworld novels and creator of the Known Space universe — but did you know…
What role will role-playing games play at this year's E3 expo? A big one, whether you're a fan of the old-school…
Journalists in video games are as diverse and wide ranging as journalists in the real world.
One game shop has listed the top ten letdowns of 2009. The retailer isn't talking about the buggiest or worst…