What if you were the strongest superhero in the world? One-Punch Man comically shows just how boring such a life…
I can’t remember the last time I felt as excited about a new video game as I feel right now about Overwatch,…
Fresh off Heroes of the Storm’s Americas Championship games that went down this past weekend, Blizzard teased out…
The Maroon Witch. Thor with an ‘N’ at the end. Miss Marvelous. Rabid Raccoon and...Grout. I don’t know whether to…
You’ve found the Triforce and rescued the princess before, but you’d never done it looking this good.
Having reached the halfway point of the Summer anime season, most series currently airing have settled into their…
The second most-surprising thing about Marvel Comics’ big 2015 crossover comic book event is that it’s very good.…
The San Diego Comic-Con 2015 dealers room opens its doors on Wednesday evening, launching an extended weekend filled…
With their spiritual successor to the original Mega Man slated for release in September, Keiji Inafune’s Comcept has…