Over the last day or so, complaints have cropped up from players who’ve been trying to play the latest installment…
Shades of Darkness is the first stand-alone expansion pack for Might & Magic Heroes VI. A century after the tragic events of Might & Magic Heroes VI, that determined the heroic fate of a dynasty, Shades of Darkness recounts, in two original campaigns, pivotal moments in Ashan’s darker history that will define the future of a decadent underground people and decide the survival of the dying cult of the Spider Queen. Determine the fates of two legendary factions; the Dark Elves of Dungeon and the Necromancers of Necropolis.
Over the last day or so, complaints have cropped up from players who’ve been trying to play the latest installment…
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, whatever the hell that thing really is, reveals itself on consoles Tuesday and Wednesday. So…