MIG-29 Fighter Pilot

MIG-29 Fighter Pilot

July 12, 1993
Shooter, Simulator
Release Date
July 12, 1993 (31 years and 7 months ago)
Tec Toy, Domark Software, Tengen
MIG-29 Fighter Pilot

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MiG-29: Fighter Pilot is a successor to MiG-29 Fulcrum by Simis; this time the theater of operations is the Middle East. The joined forces of NATO and the Commonwealth of Soviet States are to stop General Hasouz who is seeking to gain control over the world's oil resources. You are the pilot of the Russian-built MiG-29 and you need to accomplish several strategic missions to ensure the success of the operation. As this is a simulation game, the MiG-29's control panel is recreated (displaying altimeter, compass, thrust indicator, radar and more), and many actions are done manually by the player (such as controlling brakes and landing gear, performing take off and landing, etc.). There are a number of weapons and an automatic targeting system to help successfully accomplish the missions. The MiG-29 is also equipped with flares and chaff used to avoid enemy fire. The game is divided into 5 missions plus a tutorial mission. Mission objectives include destroying the enemy's command control and communications systems, escorting a submarine to safety, and destroying enemy Scud missiles. Mission score is based on the number of enemy structures and craft destroyed. The game features real-time 3D polygon graphics and there are even several short video clips, something very uncommon for Genesis hardware.

Shooter, Simulator
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
Release Date
July 12, 1993 (31 years and 7 months ago)
Tec Toy, Domark Software, Tengen
MIG-29 Fighter Pilot


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