Want to know what it's like to be unfamous Kotaku mobile editor Michael Fahey for a week? Play around 30 gaming apps…
Melodive is a unique dreamlike flight experience, built to be the most fluid and immersive 3D game on iOS. Spread your wings and feel the thrill of diving into an endless, ever-changing world of form, color and music! Your only enemy: The ground. "... you certainly haven't seen anything like this before." Eli Cymet, Touch Arcade "Melodive is not only one of the most original games on iOS now, it is probably one of the most original games ever, on any platform. And, one of the very best, despite its simplicity." Ian Low, Sirloin Apple
Want to know what it's like to be unfamous Kotaku mobile editor Michael Fahey for a week? Play around 30 gaming apps…