Every girl I date seriously must eventually pass a trial. It happens at a certain point in every relationship I…
Every girl I date seriously must eventually pass a trial. It happens at a certain point in every relationship I…
The most fun I've had in Guild Wars 2 was back in April, when ArenaNet launched a homage to 16-bit adventure games…
Gearbox, the creators of the Borderlands series, say the next campaign DLC—Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep—is the …
It would be easy, while reviewing Ni no Kuni, to sit at my desk and fling adjectives on the page like a fantasy…
So special effects wizard Stan Winston has a school named after him, aimed at instructing whole new generations in…
This year, legends walk the silver screen. From Captain Kirk to Superman, our greatest heroes are back, and facing…
Ever since I figured out how easy it was to be judged for loving video games, I felt ashamed of them.
Now that they've finished subverting millions to their wills via Smurf Village, Beeline Interactive places Peyo's…
In today's magic missile-casting episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Kyle DeBona discusses how wonderful it is…