It's one of those quirks of history that Nintendo, a company synonymous with colourful characters and fun video…
Magic Block is a Puzzle game, developed by Mega Soft and published by NTDEC, which was released in Asia in 1991.
It's one of those quirks of history that Nintendo, a company synonymous with colourful characters and fun video…
The release of Magic's newest set, New Phyrexia, is just one month away. With the Gigeresque Phyrexians winning…
Arcen Games, famed for AI War, financial troubles, and causing a shortage of iron, have announced their new game: A…
As a boy my paper route money went to comic books, stories of people coming to terms with their strange powers and…
I'm a big fan of swordplay iPhone and iPad game Infinity Blade, but despite the hours I've spent playing the game I…
Magic: the Gathering - Tactics will turn the decades-old card game into a 3D, tactical turn-based computer game…
I'd like to play NBA Jam, but I don't really care for the NBA circa 2010. For me, the league's glory days were the…
A globe of fire temporarily replaced a portion of the blackness on the horizon. The fire shimmered close to where my…
The first chapter of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is broken into five parts, parts that tour through reinventions of…
If you only download one WiiWare title in your Wii-owning lifetime, this week's release of indie PC game And Yet It…