League of Legends isn’t a typical game. If you’re interested in playing, you might start to feel overwhelmed by the…
League of Legends isn’t a typical game. If you’re interested in playing, you might start to feel overwhelmed by the…
Sgt. Hammer is Heroes of the Storm’s version of the classic siege tank unit from StarCraft. Unlike the original…
For now, at least. Who knows where things will go from here.
Bugs and glitches are an unfortunate fact of life that usually just have to be tolerated when playing a game as…
Sony's first handheld gaming system has been replaced by a younger, shinier model. Maybe you've waited this whole…
League of Legends' newly-minted "Bard" champion just dropped into the game by surprise yesterday. Players are…
League of Legends has so many different "champion" characters in its line-up at this point (more than 120) that some…
Blizzard announced a bunch of new goodies that are coming to its fresh-faced MOBA Heroes of the Storm today at PAX…