Tetsuya Mizuguchi is best known for Rez, Space Channel 5 and Lumines. He's made lots of Lumines spin-offs like Lumine…
Frenetic puzzle action! Dazzling background videos! A fresh installment to the original blockbuster puzzle series has landed on Xbox LIVE Arcade: Lumines Live! Harnessing the power of Xbox 360, Lumines Live! is a deep and entertaining game experience, enhanced with vibrant music and newly designed skins that you can custom-select in Skin Edit mode. Lumines Live! even features full multiplayer mode on Xbox LIVE, unleashing leaderboards, achievements, gamer scores, online competitive modes, and more on Xbox LIVE gamers. Expand your Lumines Live! experience with additional downloadable content via Xbox LIVE Marketplace, including new puzzles, skins, and music.
Tetsuya Mizuguchi is best known for Rez, Space Channel 5 and Lumines. He's made lots of Lumines spin-offs like Lumine…
I'll say, it's about damn time Q-Entertainment's music-puzzle fusion title made it to the PlayStation 3! Lumines…
Peggle fans can now cement their addiction, since PopCap's now bringing the popular casual game to DS with a little…
Well here's an interesting turnabout. Harmonix and MTV are partnering with the company that brought us Lumines and…