With the spring comes new anime—50 of them to be exact. But with so much anime, how do you know which ones to…
With the spring comes new anime—50 of them to be exact. But with so much anime, how do you know which ones to…
Included in the update are friendly Creepers who are, arguably, a lot more creepy now. That smile.
Green Man Gaming is offering some great prices on new and upcoming digital games in their VIP sale. Here are some…
Every few years, someone will sound the death knell for adventure games and then some developer will come along and…
I really enjoyed Tales From The Borderlands, but one bit, especially, struck me. As Fiona, cold-hearted con artist…
I would never say I was into horror games - I managed about 90 seconds of a YouTube playthrough of P.T. before…
Take all those overused rom-com anime clichés, throw them into a sci-fi thriller with dark themes and a liberal…
When I was growing up, everyone knew that boys get to be the knights and girls the princesses. But Witch Craft Works…
I love anime music. Long before I even took my first Japanese class, I was rocking out to anime theme songs. And as…
Madoka Magica is one of the best anime of the past decade. It deconstructs the magical girl genre and builds an…