Months before I had played Dark Souls, I came across a list of things that players should finish up at the end of…
Make your opponent crash into your light trail.
Months before I had played Dark Souls, I came across a list of things that players should finish up at the end of…
Yoichi Wada, Square Enix's president, is stepping down. The news came as a surprise. Wada has been Square Enix's…
No topic appeared in the rumor mill this year as much as the coming next-generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft.
The rise of Words with Friends has brought the slow and plodding casual word game genre into the spotlight. With Le…
I will not speak ill of the Nintendo Wii, even though others have done so for years.
Tritton's Warhead 7.1 Wireless Surround Headset does something no other third-party Xbox 360 headset does: it allows…
A string of bad news about one of the most anticipated games on the planet might be giving BioShock Infinite fans…
If you've played a video game, you've probably heard a bark. And not just in Nintendogs—I'm talking about an "enemy…
I was only young when I played Ultima VII but I had already ventured to the depths of dungeons that dripped with…
When attempting kick the cigarette habit, tasks and activities once associated with smoking make the cravings…