The next-generation of monitor technology is upon us, quadrupling the number pixels our monitors can manifest and…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Last Lesson
It's your first night as the caretaker of a scary quest. The last visitors have gone home. You need to turn off the lights, check the equipment and not die of horror, because someone or something suddenly starts a nightmarish game. With you in the lead.
The next-generation of monitor technology is upon us, quadrupling the number pixels our monitors can manifest and…
What was happening in the world of video-game news this week one year ago? Well, Bethesda "moved on" from Skyrim, LA…
If you've ever just looked up at the sky while playing a Borderlands game you might've noticed the big H-shaped,…
Link(s) To The Past is a new weekly feature in which we look back at least year's big news and analyze how far we…
Yesterday, the game developers community talked about GAME_JAM, a failed reality TV show about game jams. It fell…
Somewhere, in some parallel dimension, there's a BioShock Infinite that I liked a lot more than the one I played in…
About anonymous sources and Kotaku... Read more
There's a Christmas morning video spreading over the Internet the past two days, in which a naughty boy gets the…
It's only the first episode of the new season to Telltale's horrifically wonderful The Walking Dead episodic series…
Some people - who you'd think should know better - got excited last week when they learned that Sega had filed a…