Now that we're into July and 2014 is half over, how's everyone's year been? Good? Mediocre? Crappy? Okay, let's talk…
a good haul this year
Now that we're into July and 2014 is half over, how's everyone's year been? Good? Mediocre? Crappy? Okay, let's talk…
While growing up, I, of course, knew the Mario and Sonic themes, but it wasn’t until I first played Final Fantasy VI…
The Wolf Among Us Episode 3 is fresh out of the gate, and you can pick up the whole series for just $15 today. [Amazo…
Titanfall drops tomorrow, take advantage of your last chance at these pre-order discounts. We've also got Watch…
The more television technology advances, the harder it is to keep our classic consoles hooked up. Modder Marshall…
These beautiful compendiums are must-buys for Walking Dead fans, and the perfect way for those new to the series, or…
Evangelion, Akira, Miyazaki, Yamato... so much to choose from in today's Amazon anime sale, including movies,…
Something for everyone in today's deal roundup, including Torchlight II (code GFDJAN20) for $4, which is quite a bit…
In addition to the rest of the great deals today, there's an all-new Humble Bundle for PC and Android featuring…
It's been a long time since the lead deal on Kotaku was a pair of headphones, but we can't overstate our love for the…