The capes. The gadgets. The weird interpersonal relationships. The goats. Superheroes are straight-up absurd when…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Iron Kill
Like robots, battlebots, robot fighting games? Then Iron Kill is for you!
The capes. The gadgets. The weird interpersonal relationships. The goats. Superheroes are straight-up absurd when…
Sam Fisher is on the phone with his daughter. He's talking about his feelings. He's telling her he worries about…
This morning, I woke up from a dream to answer nature’s call. My first waking thought was, “Whoa, I need to get…
For comic-book movies, the bigger the budget, the bigger the expectations, the bigger the letdown. Table 8…
There are two versions of Iron Man 3: One is the international version, and the other is the Chinese version, with…
A beautiful city with a seamy underbelly. A girl in danger. Weird magic. Beheadings. Junk food. Am I talking about…
What do you think about when you think about poetry? Does a 1950s beatnik stereotype come into your head? Do you…
Okay, it's time to talk about it. About what, you ask? About how totally bananas the violence in BioShock Infinite…
Given that the promise of delivering a console-quality first-person shooter on the PlayStation Vita has been broken…
Hasbro, perhaps after a sharp blow to the head, have decided a good way to get people interested in Monopoly again…