Some very sad news this evening: Gamasutra reports that Ralph Baer, widely regarded as the father of the video game…
After a huge cheating scandal that sent allegations—as opposed to Counter-Strike's normal weapon of choice,…
People ask us all the time whether they should buy a new-gen console? Should they get an Xbox One? A PS4? For a…
I don't find horror games anywhere near as scary as the very real terrifying things that just kind of... happen in…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
Last week we brought you an awesome PS4 bundle, and today the Xbox One gets its turn, or two turns rather. You can…
Violence in games can be great—not to mention really powerful, as we recently discussed. What about the other side…
Steam Summer Sale Day Two is upon us, bringing with it discounts on The Walking Dead: Season 2, Prison Architect,…