Time and again they've told me, "Dude, you should play Alpha Protocol!" And time and again, I've ignored them. Until…
Idle Adventure is a text-based, multi-player online RPG game. Even without astonishing graphics or special effects, it can offer you countless hours of enjoyment.
Time and again they've told me, "Dude, you should play Alpha Protocol!" And time and again, I've ignored them. Until…
Happy new year. I'd like to start the year by helping you avoid a mistake I made in 2012. But let's rewind one more…
Last year, I gave a friend of mine Enslaved because I'd loved the asymmetrical partnership in Ninja Theory's…
In another universe, they made a box containing Red Dead Redemption that's just for me. The front is familiar. The…
A skeptical world might not see video games as essential. But we can point to many games that feel worthy of this…
Freeze-bullets. Framerates. Interactive cut-scenes. Even old friends from other Mass Effect games (yes, plural).…
Quantic Dream's David Cage walked us through a playable version of the developer's shrouded in mystery PlayStation 3…