A role playing game developed by Glu Mobile.
One of the most talked about things from Sony’s E3 2015 Press Conference was the unveiling of a Final Fantasy VII…
In team-based games like League of Legends and Team Fortress 2, and MMOs like World of Warcraft, support…
A name similar to Battlefront, Battlecry and even Bloodborne hasn’t helped next month’s Battleborn stand out.…
The storyline that pits Clark Kent against Bruce Wayne in Batman v Superman isn’t very good, barely held together by…
Usually, we evaluate video games based on how they play, look, and make us feel. Today, we’ll be critiquing them…
Some of the big sellers will not surprise you. Some of them might.
Video game tie-ins for children’s films aren’t known for their originality, but this is just silly. Ludia’s new iPad…
For the 10th year in a row (!), I’ve tallied the games I played in the past 12 months and have counted the ones I’ve…