The data mining of Pokémon Sun and Moon continues, this time bringing us a new look at the in-game descriptions for…
The data mining of Pokémon Sun and Moon continues, this time bringing us a new look at the in-game descriptions for…
A brief history for those who are new to Kotaku and our on-again, off-again obsession with this game. Destiny is a…
In February of 2011, fresh off nine months of 80-hour work weeks, Jessica Chavez took a pair of scissors to her…
It was E3 2000 when I nearly lost my shit. The sequel to one of the best games I’d played on the PS1, Metal Gear…
Pro wrestling is an act, as many a helpful Internet commenter will point out below any article about this stuff.…
The Evil Within was supposed to be Shinji Mikami’s triumphant return to form. The creator of Resident Evil had…
I am an intermediate player; it takes practice and time for me to complete a single player campaign, and inevitably,…
Longtime Resident Evil villain Albert Wesker seemingly died in Resident Evil 5, but voice clips in the new Umbrella…
Plastic toy lightsabers are fine if you just want to goof around. Light FX models are great if you want something…
A new console generation starts, and you wait for something special. The launch games are okay, but they are really…