![<em>Dead or Alive 5</em>: The <em>Kotaku</em> Review [Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/18rb135n59clhjpg.jpg)
The Dead or Alive series has always felt like it was my fighting franchise. From the moment I first button-mashed my…
The Dead or Alive series has always felt like it was my fighting franchise. From the moment I first button-mashed my…
Action game Bayonetta 2, the sequel to...Bayonetta 1, is headed to the Wii U. It's an exclusive! And Nintendo is…
I can't say I was happy when my wife's friend brought over her seven-year-old terrorist of a child, Charlie, one…
Japanese people have the reputation of not saying what they mean. That's not exactly accurate. Plenty of Japanese…
Comic books become TV shows that turn into movies that get spun off into games. Or the whole thing happens in…
Final Fantasy VII's Wikipedia entry is 6,596 words.The Wikipedia entry for William Shakespeare is 5,999 words. Let's…
It's been a strange but wonderful week for my sister, Elsa García. Of course there is the excitement of being in…
I'm not proud of it, of course, but I've profiled others according to skin color. You see, glowing, primary color…
The Expendables is all about elite mercenaries, intense action sequences and a lot of meat-headedness. Seems like it…
Going into Pokémon Black and White 2, I had high hopes for the game. This wasn't for the new aspects of the game…