Recently game studio Red Thread ran a competition to include fan-made music in revered adventure revival Dreamfall…
The game where AI judges your drawing skills.
Recently game studio Red Thread ran a competition to include fan-made music in revered adventure revival Dreamfall…
When you create one of the most treasured franchises in video game history, what do you do next? When you work on…
When I was young, I would have my parents buy me multiple copies of trooper-style action figures in order to amass…
Today Ubisoft announced that country-sized racer The Crew will be coming to Xbox 360 in addition to Xbox One and…
You know how they say that there's more than one way to skin a cat? Well, there's more than one way to kill a…
You might think it's cool that you can dress Lara Croft and her next game's three co-stars as if they were actually…
You know the routine. New popular toy comes out. It quickly vanishes from store shelves. And when it's finally in…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that's secretly responsible for ending…
With the launch of the new movie just days away, chiptune artist Mega Ran revisits the catchy anthem from the very…